Meet Our Del Mar Staff

Our Staff

Asia Casebolt

Asia is a Vinyasa teacher.
She grew up in Seattle…

Danielle Wolcott

Danielle originally found the
way to her mat…

Asia Casebolt

Asia is a Vinyasa teacher.
She grew up in Seattle…

Meagan DePaulo

A native New Yorker and author, Meagan began her yoga journey

AJ Jaojoco

A.J. is a California kid at heart. Born
and raised in Los Angeles,

Beatrice Crosbie

Beatrice began her journey
thru yoga in 2009.

Ishmael Sonico

Ishmael’s yogi path began in 2009
when friends introduced him

Alex Pogeler

Yoga has been an integral part of my
life for the last 20 years.

Beatrice Crosbie

Joann started her yoga practice back
in 2011 and since

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